
I WAS on a roll!

It's been snowing and blowing with icy roads for the past week. Here is my lovely view.
 All my fun stuff has been cancelled so I decided to be productive.  I went though all my stuff in my two cubby holes, got rid of tons of stuff that should never have moved with me, and decided to keep the momentum going and go though nooks and crannies in my craft studio.
Then this happened.
 There was a light dusting of snow on top of a very icy side walk and I fell and sprained my wrist.  At least I didn't break it and it's my left hand, but still...….

 Lucy hasn't made an appearance on my blog for a while so she thought it was time.

1 comment:

Robbie said...

Well, Lucy is adorable...but geezz you are lucky you didn't break that wrist!!! Do be careful!!!! Hope you heal soon!!!