My friend Bonnie thought it would be fun to do a fan and pin cushions swap. These are the two she made for me. I absolutely love them both and they will be great additions to my collection.

I really messed up on my fan and did all my stitching up side down. I wasn't happy with it from the get-go and wasn't going to give it to her but she talked me out of it.

She thought her fan was too large and I thought mine was too small. I think sometime in the future I will make her another one and make it somewhere in between.

This is the pin cushion that I made for her.
I really like both fans:) They are unique. The tea pot pincushion is really cool. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad to know another person out their loves old sewing machines and likes to dabble in lots of techniques. We have the same habits. Happy Day! Jenna Louise
Cindy - I visited Stitchin' Fingers and decided to sign up. Your Dodee Dolls did it:) I just love them. I enjoy your work so much and thought I might like this network. Thank you. Jenna Louise
The teapot pincushion is so adorable! Nice job!
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