
Before you judge me

Let me just say I have a hard time passing an "everything for 50 cents clearance rack" and I have the cutest dog in the world. So when I was heading into the Thrifty White Drug Store I stopped dead in my tracks at the clearance rack and picked up a couple of packages of hair chips then spotted some small clear bands. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with either but for 50 cents I couldn't pass them up. When I got home I saw some ribbon and them my dog, need I say more?

It took me all of 2 minutes to make them, then another 10 minutes to get them in her fur and another minute for one to fall out.
I think she was only slightly embarrassed.
The problem with them is that they don't have much elasticity to them so I guess that is why they were on clearance.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with the other 48 of them.


Altoid Tins

I have many collections including tins, some are just for looks and others are for using.  Altoid tins are one of those things I find very useful. I have several sitting around so I decided to jazz them up a bit.
  I have a couple on my dryer, this one is for money.
 This one is for buttons.

This one is for those replaceable miscellaneous items that you find and don't know what it's for, but you do know as soon as you toss it you will remember and desperately need it.

This last one is for seeds. Four o clocks to be exact.  And as soon and I can find them (should have had a tin and I would know exactly where they are) I'm going to plant them and next fall when they go to seed I'll them them in here be able to plant them right away in the spring.


Looks Like Work

Yesterday I sent shopping in hopes of getting some planting done this weekend.
But after a trip to the chiropractor this morning he told me not to do anything this weekend and come back Monday. It's already driving me crazy thinking about all those plants sitting in my garage, so we will have to see how good of a listener I am.


Hair Pins

My daughter asked me if I could make a few hair pins for her friends little girl and brought me a sample of one she had bought. These are the ones I made and after letting my daughter pick out the ones she wanted to give her, I decided they were so much fun to make I'm going to make a couple more and put them in my Etsy shop.